User-friendly technology
The area of healthcare technology is poised for significant expansion in the coming years, driven by advancements in both established welfare and health technologies and emerging fields such as robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, the enhanced application of data analytics in healthcare and social services is expected to propel this growth further.
Collaboration across a broad, multi-disciplinary network within the healthcare technology cluster is essential for fostering the creation of innovative, needs-driven technological solutions for social and health services. This collaboration involves close partnership with industry companies to pilot new products and service innovations. Such developmental efforts are undertaken with a deep commitment to understanding and incorporating feedback from clients and company staff, ensuring their perspectives are heard and valued.
The integration of digital and technological solutions aims to enhance the accessibility, quality, and overall customer experience of social and health services. Additionally, technology is instrumental in increasing the cost-efficiency of these services, thereby offering improved outcomes for both providers and recipients.
Since 2009, Prizztech Ltd has spearheaded the Living Lab and its user-centered healthcare technology development initiatives. Over the years, a comprehensive operational cluster has emerged around healthcare technology, comprising of technology companies, social and healthcare providers from the private, public, and voluntary sectors, and academic institutions including universities, universities of applied sciences, and upper secondary educational facilities. This cluster also encompasses a variety of regional, national, and international partners and networks, illustrating a broad commitment to advancing healthcare technology.

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